Primi. Autore e Copyright Marco Ramerini
Primi. Autore e Copyright Marco Ramerini

Soup of rice and potatoes

Questo post è disponibile anche in: Italian

Soup of rice and potatoes is one of those simple and good recipes to prepare during the winter.

A recipe of the Soup of rice and potatoes economic that warms the soul and body that will please both adults and children.

Like all easy dishes hide their pitfalls! In order to obtain good soups, it is necessary to stir the rice before adding the liquids, so the flavors will remain linked to each other.


  • 300 g. of carnaroli rice
  • extra virgin olive oil as needed.
  • 1 lt. of vegetable broth
  • grated parmesan to taste
  • 1 onion
  • 2-3 medium potatoes
  • 1 tablespoon of tomato paste
  • chopped fresh parsley to taste
  • Salt to taste.
  • pepper to taste.


The first thing to do will be to prepare the vegetable broth or if you do not have time just use the ready vegetable cube to dissolve in boiling water.

Then peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes of a couple of centimeters and the onion cut into thin slices.

Pour two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil into the pan together with the onion, brown it over low heat for a few minutes and then add the potatoes.

Cook over low heat for three minutes, then pour a little broth to allow the potatoes to cook with a spoonful of tomato paste.

Close with lid and cook for about 7-8 minutes, adding a little broth if necessary.

Now add the rice and let it flavor for about 2 minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon.

Now you can pour the remaining broth, salt and pepper to taste and cook for the minutes required for cooking the rice.

The soup shouldn’t dry out too much during cooking, in which case add some hot water.

Serve by adding the freshly chopped parsley, the grated Parmesan and a drizzle of oil.


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