Liguria climate: when to go to Liguria

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The climate of Liguria is Mediterranean, influenced by its location between the mountains and the sea. The sea affects the climate of Liguria mitigating temperatures and causing that long the coast winters are never rigid. Even the mountains that shelter the region from cold winds from the north contribute to ensure that the region has a mild climate for most of the year.

In the inland areas, particularly in the areas closest to the Po Valley, the altitude makes the climate closer to the continental climate and temperatures become more rigid, with often snowy winters.

Rainfall is fairly abundant, especially on the eastern side of the region, these areas have an average of 1,300/1,500 mm of rain per year. Along the western slope the precipitation decreases and varies between 1,000 mm and 600 mm per year. The rainiest months are those of autumn and winter, while the months between May and August are the driest.

Along the Ligurian coast winter average minimum temperatures remain well above freezing, registering values between 4 ° C and 7 ° C in the coldest month, January, in the same month the average maximum temperatures vary between 11 ° C and 13 ° C. In the interior, due to the altitude, winter temperatures decrease to values below zero in the valleys oriented towards the Po Valley.

In summer, temperatures are mitigated by the presence of the sea and do not reach temperatures too high. In July and August, which are the hottest months, along the coast we have values of average maximum temperatures ranging between 27 ° C and 29 ° C, while the summer average minimum temperatures have values around 20 ° C.

The sea water temperature in the Liguria region is over 21 ° C between June and September. The sea water reaches the highest temperatures in the month of August with 25 ° C, while is lowered up to 13 ° C in the winter months.


The months between May and September are the best to visit Liguria, during these months there is less chance of rain and temperatures are milder.


GENOA (3 meters)
Month Average Low Temp. (°C) Average High Temp. (°C) Rain (mm)
January 5,3 10,7 143
February 6,0 11,6 155
March 8,0 13,9 86
April 11,1 17,0 100
May 14,4 20,5 73
June 17,9 23,9 62
July 20,7 26,9 31
August 20,5 26,8 69
September 18,1 24,4 104
October 14,1 20,1 101
November 10,0 15,1 157
December 6,9 12,1 93
YEAR  12,8  18,6 1174

LA SPEZIA (10 meters)
Month Average Low Temp. (°C) Average High Temp. (°C) Rain (mm)
January 4,2 11,0 116
February 4,7 11,9 108
March 6,8 14,5 115
April 10,3 18,1 126
May 13,7 22,3 59
June 17,4 26,0 51
July 19,7 28,9 36
August 19,4 28,2 54
September 16,9 25,3 84
October 13,1 20,8 164
November 8,8 15,7 201
December 5,9 12,7 200
YEAR  11,7  19,6 1314

IMPERIA (10 meters)
Month Average Low Temp. (°C) Average High Temp. (°C) Rain (mm)
January 6,9 11,8 81
February 7,1 13,1 76
March 8,8 15,1 71
April 11,1 17,8 48
May 14,1 20,9 48
June 17,5 24,5 33
July 20,2 27,4 13
August 20,3 27,3 33
September 17,9 24,6 48
October 14,3 20,8 79
November 10,3 16,3 99
December 7,7 13,8 61
YEAR  13,0  19,5 691


Month Sea Water Temperature (°C)
January 13
February 13
March 13
April 14
May 18
June 21
July 23
August 25
September 22
October 19
November 16
December 14