Calabria climate: when to go to Calabria

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The climate of Calabria is strongly influenced not only by the presence of the sea but also by altitude and the presence of mountains. The climate type of coastal areas of the region is the Mediterranean climate. But between the two coasts, there are considerable differences in temperature and rainfall. The interior mountain areas have a typical mountain climate with frequent snow during winters.

The perturbations from the Tyrrhenian Sea bring heavy rainfall on the western slopes of the region. While, on the other hand, the influx of hot, dry air from Africa makes the east coast of Calabria arid and hot. The disposition of the mountains that run from north to south also influences the temperature of the region. The east coast is much warmer and subject to wider temperature ranges of the west coast. The plain of Sibari because of its position between the reliefs is one of the hottest and driest areas of Calabria, in this area during the summer months temperatures can exceed 40 ° C. In the mountains of the interior, that is, in the Sila, in the Pollino and Aspromonte winter temperatures are rigid and the snow – that falls abundant in the winter months – is usually on the ground during the months between December and May.

Because of the geography of the territory the Tyrrhenian coast is much more rainy of the Ionian coast. The rains fall mainly in winter and autumn and are reduced considerably in the summer months. Along the Tyrrhenian coast generally the average annual rainfall varying between 1,000 and 700 mm. In the Calabrian mountains – that is, in Sila, Aspromonte and Pollino – precipitations generally range between 1,400 mm and 1,800 mm of rainfall per year. Along the Ionian coast and in particular in the areas around Reggio Calabria and the plain of Sibari the average annual rainfall is much lower and they stop at values around 500 mm per year.

The temperatures of the sea water in Calabria is great for swimming in the sea between June and October, during these months the sea water temperature exceeds 22/23 ° C. During July and August the sea water temperature reaches the highest value of the year with 26 ° C. In the winter months the sea water temperature drops to 14 ° C in the months of January, February and March.


Due to the mild climate all year round is suitable for visiting the coast of Calabria. In the inland mountainous areas of the region the winter climate is cold and rainy. The months between April and September are the best to visit Calabria, in these months there are less chances of rain and the temperatures are warmer. During July and August the average maximum temperatures generally exceed 30 ° C, but the nearby mountains make possible to find relief also in these months.


Month Average Low Temp. (°C) Average High Temp. (°C) Rain (mm)
January 8,1 14,9 75
February 8,1 15,1 59
March 9,1 16,7 47
April 11,0 19,2 33
May 14,8 23,4 18
June 18,2 27,5 12
July 21,7 30,8 6
August 22,0 30,6 10
September 19,1 28,0 34
October 15,9 23,5 63
November 12,1 19,6 69
December 9,7 16,4 71
YEAR  14,2  22,1 500

CATANZARO (362 meters)
Month Average Low Temp. (°C) Average High Temp. (°C) Rain (mm)
January 5,8 10,9 144
February 5,9 11,5 118
March 7,0 12,9 114
April 9,0 15,5 68
May 12,6 19,7 39
June 16,3 24,3 20
July 18,9 27,5 13
August 19,3 28,0 17
September 17,3 25,3 51
October 13,5 20,3 120
November 10,4 16,0 119
December 7,5 12,5 172
YEAR  12,0  18,7 995

COSENZA (220 meters)
Month Average Low Temp. (°C) Average High Temp. (°C) Rain (mm)
January 3,3 11,7 81
February 3,2 12,5 76
March 4,9 15,5 71
April 7,3 18,9 48
May 11,7 24,4 48
June 15,3 29,2 33
July 17,9 32,8 13
August 18,0 33,1 33
September 14,8 28,3 48
October 11,1 22,9 79
November 7,1 16,7 99
December 4,4 12,9 61
YEAR  9,9  21,6 881


Month Sea Water Temperature (°C)
January 14
February 14
March 14
April 15
May 18
June 23
July 26
August 26
September 25
October 22
November 19
December 16